Java Programming is a high-level programming language. OOP is an important part of Java programming.
My learned Topics:
- Syntex
- Variable, User Input, Output
- Modifier, Escape Character (\t, \n)
- Operators
- Condition (if, else....if, else, switch)
- Loop (for, while, do.....while)
- Continue, Break
- Function/Method
- Array (1D, 2D)
- String
- 'This' Keyword
- 'static' keyword
- Class and Object.
- Constructor Method. (Short: Class and method name same)
- Overriding Method
- Overloading Method
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction
- Abstraction Method
- Interface
Java Some Terms:
- Object Declaration
- Two different classes(have to 2 Files). One for method and the other for Main Method. I have to access the method using the object.
- Compare of String
- Call by value & Call by reference (Call an array value using the method.
- Java Packages
Java Note File: "Java Programming Note File PDF"
Youtube Links: Java
Website: Programz, W3school.
"Thank you"