How to be a good programmer?

When I was a first-year computer science and engineering student. I have a question about it "How to be a good programmer? ". I searched google, youtube, quora, and so on.  

Then I have a new question about programming improvements. The beginner-level programmers are not familiar with logical, analytical, and problem-solving. When we practice programming and read new articles and code. Then we can understand errors and practice technics for better improvement.

There are some ways I'm learning a programming language. Below I listed:

1)  Learn the fundamentals of programming - variable, data type, condition, loop, array, string, and functions

2)  Learn the principle of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) part - Inheritance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Abstraction. Practice object and class-related problems and exercise. 

Most Effective way I practice and learn a Programming language:

 1) Practise basic programming problems. 

2) write code on the paper.

3) Read any code line by line. Then It will be easy to understand. 

4) Practise coding problems in Online Judge - Codeforce, Hackrrank.

Website Link for information:  TechTargetNetwork

Important note: Those are some ways we can improve programming skills. This is not only the one perfect way we can improve. Every person has a unique way to improve their skills. This is the way how I improve my programming skills. It's maybe working on you or not it depends on the person. 

Search more and more and find out which way is good for you. If you don't like the given way then you can skip it. 

"Thank you". 

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